Professor Dr. Md Ariful Islam
Head of the Department
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). Although the Mechanical Engineering Department at SUST is young, it has already started its journey with developed curriculum and set visionary approach for accumulating knowledge, expertise and associated facilities with the aim of establishing world class discipline. The prime focus of our curriculum is to render our students with technological know-how, promote their passion, innovation and problem- solving skills relevant to mechanical engineering. We offer a good number of optional courses so that our students can pursue their interests at advanced level to be specialized on specific branch. The course contents are periodically updated with a view to making our students familiar with the most recent scientific and technological developments. Besides, we engage our students in applied research and hands-on design projects for providing them with an opportunity to develop their professional skills.
In our department, we expect our students to achieve a high level of academic and research excellence. We also expect everyone, in his or her way, to become a leader in the field of mechanical engineering. Our distinguished faculty members are actively engaged with students and colleagues in accepting some of most challenging technological needs of the society. We expect them to contribute to improving the lifestyle of the people through technology development using knowledge, insight and skills gained from their research activities.
This website provides an overview of the academic programs, research activities of our department, research facilities, and profiles of faculty members. Whether you are a prospective undergraduate or graduate student, a faculty member, or a recruiter from industry or government, you will find this website to be informative and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUST a great place.
After browsing this website, if you don't find what you are looking for, please contact us by mail, telephone, fax, or E-mail. I'll try my best to help you. Thank you for visiting us.